Monday, February 4, 2013

Bubble Printed Valentine Hearts

My all time most popular post on the The Chocolate Muffin Tree is Bubble Printing and we revisited this technique just recently to create some Valentine Hearts. They turned out beautifully.
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Materials Needed:
(Per color you need)
1/2 cup water
2 Tablespoons tempera paint
few squirts of dish soap

We made Bubble Prints in this post here if you want to follow the tutorial with pictures. Basically you mix up the ingredients above in each container per each color. Then you blow into the mixture like you were blowing bubbles in milk (watch that little ones don't suck up the soapy mixture) and place a paper over the colored bubbles to create a print. The print is created as the bubbles pop. Each time you'll need to blow more bubbles to create more prints.

After you have a bunch of bubble printed papers, you can use them to create heart shapes.  We used construction paper in Valentine colors to frame our hearts. You could make these hearts into Greeting Cards or even Heart Garland.


  1. I am going to use this in my son's first grade class! It will keep their attention and will clean up easily. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. I really like this idea. Actually I like a lot of your ideas! I've printed out quite a few and used them for my preschool class!

    This one I am oging to use at home for my boys!

    Following you from House of DLC

    1. Thanks Amber. THat is wonderful that you've been able to use a lot of ideas. I'm glad to help and inspire parents and teachers.

  3. These look great! I want to do some bubble art with my daughter once it gets warmer outside. I always think the stuff comes out looking so pretty. Would love for you to share this on my Talented Tuesday link up here:

  4. I love how they turned out with a rainbow of colours :) Beautiful!


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