
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Salt Dough Heart Necklaces

Salt dough is always fun and the materials for it are readily available. We created some heart necklaces from salt dough which will be given for Mother's Day to C's Grandmas and one for me of course!  We made extras for some Mom friends that we know too.  These hearts would also make great Valentine's Day gifts, Holiday ornaments, or even for no reason at all.  Just to say "I Love You"! ***We actually gave these as teachers' gifts too.**

To create salt dough you need:

1 cup flour
1/4 cup salt
1/4 cup water

Mix flour and salt well and add water. Add more flour if too sticky or more water if too dry. Then form shapes on a foil lined cookie sheet. Use a straw to form holes on top so you can make them a necklace. Bake between 275 F and 300 F for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. 

Here we painted the hearts with red acrylic paint first then used q-tips (cotton buds) for the dots.

Here we used q-tips like a paint brush to create beautiful pictures on our hearts. After painting we added Mod Podge for  a glossy look.

These smaller hearts we are using as pins by gluing a pin back on the back.

On these we added thin ribbon for necklaces.

Would you like receiving these as a gift?


  1. Great minds think alike! We just made some salt dough ornaments! Yours turned out lovely! The colors are so pretty. :) I never thought to make them into necklaces...great idea!

    1. Thanks Gina. Necklaces are a nice twist on it and they could always be an ornament too.

  2. These are gorgeous! They turned out so neat and the finish makes them look so professionally made!

    1. Thanks Rashmie. You always have such positive make my day!

  3. I love these! They are adorable. I wish I had seen them before so I would have my students do it for mother's day. I'm pinning them of course.

    1. Thanks Amelia. Sorry..we are doing late. Maybe for next year?

  4. These are so pretty! I would definitely wear one! We love making salt dough art too! Mod Podge gives it just the right finished touch.

  5. Oh these are so beautiful!
    I would love to wear one :)

  6. These are so adorable! I would love one of these over any piece of store bought jewelry out there. Just my style. Colorful, playful, and from the heart. Happy Mother's Day Melissa! x

  7. Anastasia@healthymamainfo.comMay 16, 2012 at 3:19 PM

    These are absolutely adorable! Great ad very creative way to teach children how to be caring and loving!

    1. Thanks Anastasia! Definitely a way to teach about being daughter is very loving.

  8. Made these with my preschooler as teacher gifts. Had lots of fun being creative.

    1. We gave these as teacher gifts too! Glad to have inspired you and brightened some teacher's day!
