
Monday, March 19, 2012

Bleeding Tissue Easter Eggs

This is is going to be an exciting week! My friend Rachelle from Tinkerlab and I have joined forces to give you 10 Egg Activities for Egg Week.  Monday through Friday we will both be posting a different egg activity so be sure to check out both places for some fun ideas. Today we have our Bleeding Tissue Easter Eggs to show you.  Here are a few of our beauties.  My daughter especially enjoyed this egg decorating activity.

For Bleeding Tissue Easter Eggs you'll need:

hard boiled white eggs
coffee filters or paper towels
spray bottle
egg carton or baking cooling rack
To begin,  I cut up the bleeding art tissue in 3 different types of shapes: tiny squares, tiny strips, and a variety of shapes in one group.  My hope was that the different shapes would transfer to the egg.

Next,  lay down a paper towel or coffee filter and spray it with water.

Then sprinkle some bleeding tissue shapes on the wet coffee filter.

Then,  spray the top of the egg and sprinkle some bleeding tissue shapes on top of the egg.  I asked my daughter what she thought would happen?  She noticed the tissue already beginning to bleed so she guessed correctly.

We wrapped the egg in the coffee filter with the tissue paper to ultimately open the wrapped eggs like little presents.  C loved the whole procedure of this of spraying, sprinkling, and wrapping the eggs.

We rested the wrapped eggs in the egg carton, but you could put them on a baking rack too.  Who doesn't love surprises?

We let them dry for a half hour...we couldn't wait.  Perhaps the effect would be brighter if left to dry? Next time we'll try that.  I think they turned out wonderful.  I'm always a big fan of this sort of effect.  One egg has the tiny squares, another the mixture, and the last has the strips of tissue on it.  Pretty cool.

One close up view.

My intention was to use paper towels, but we didn't have many so I thought to use coffee filters.  In the back of my mind I was thinking that the bleeding tissue would transfer to the coffee filters too.  So now we have art on our eggs and coffee filters!

What do think about this process?

What should we make with these colorful coffee filters?

Hope you enjoyed this idea,  but I'm sure you'll enjoy TinkerLab's egg experiment too.  Be sure to stop on over to see what amazing idea Rachelle has to share here. Walking On Raw Eggs!


  1. I love this! Does all tissue paper bleed or do I need to seek out a special brand/ type of tissue paper?
    Love the idea of waiting to unwrap the eggs!!
    The coffee filters would look stunning cut into egg shapes and sealed between sticky contact film to hang in the window or maybe cut up and stuck over a card box or plastic carton as decoration for an easter basket?!!!
    Looking forward to more of your egg ideas!
    Lisa Butler (Let's Create and Make)

    1. No, all tissue paper does not bleed, but I have heard of using vinegar to bleed the non-bleeding kind. Let me know if you try the vinegar. Thanks, the coffee filters were used because we had barely any paper towels. I love contact paper projects and that sounds like an excellent way to repurpose them. Glad you enjoyed this idea Lisa!

  2. Are these are lovely! And so nice for small hands to be able to make these. Gorgeous.

    You could make butterflies out of the coffee filters?


    1. Thanks Maggy! Your kids will love the process. Butterflies would be an excellent idea!

  3. These are lovely, Melissa! If you haven't already done so, you could always ask C what she wants to make with the filters ;)

    1. Thanks Rachelle. C told me to cut them into Easter Eggs so we shall see what will happen to these.

  4. You can also make flowers out of the coffee filters. Here's my blog about it. It's not quite a tutorial, but I think you can get the jist.

    1. Aunt Cindy, flowers would be another great idea too. Thanks for the tip and the link.

  5. I love this activity! I think my daughter would really enjoy this. I can't wait to try it :)

    1. TThanks this was my daughter's favorite egg activity of the week! I'm sure your daughter will love it !

  6. This is great! I've always wanted to try bleeding tissue paper. The little squares make the egg look like it's covered in confetti, so neat that some of the shapes transferred onto the eggs!

    1. Oh, and I'm still wondering what to make with our coffee filters too!

    2. Bleeding tissue paper is great, but try vinegar too (Like I mentioned in the first comment) I love the idea of cutting the tissue paper in different shapes. I'm sure w'l come up with something with all our coffee filter projects.

  7. This blog is content amazing information about Easter craft which is very useful for me. It very important information about Easter festival.
    Thank you very much for this great information.
    Easter Craft Ideas

  8. These are so pretty! I love the way they came out.

  9. These are really cute! Is the tissue paper special? I've never heard of "bleeding tissue paper". Also, the coffee filters would make lovely butterflies!

    1. Yes, Bleeding tissue loses its pigment when water is painted on it or sprayed on it. I've heard you can use vinegar to "bleed" regular tissue paper. I have yet to try this.

  10. This was such a great idea! Thanks for sharing! My son and I had fun making these last night. I linked your instructions back to my blog, as well!

  11. Hi, there,
    My daughter and I made these this afternoon. They are beautiful. Thanks for the idea. She wants to eat one of the eggs, and I am assuming this is a no-go. Right?

  12. Your welcome!
    We have eaten ours. Tissue paper is not toxic and you don't eat the shell.
