
Monday, March 26, 2012

10 Different Egg Activities and Experiments from Tinkerlab and The Chocolate Muffin Tree

Last week Tinkerlab and I hosted a week of Egg Experiments and Activities called Egg Week.  For your convenience I have put all 10 of our ideas in one post.  All the activities use "Real" Eggs so be prepared to do some egg shopping soon. We had a lot of enjoyment with these activities and until now I never realized there were so many things you could do with eggs!  "CLICK" the caption below the photo to bring you to the post.

1. Bleeding Tissue Easter Eggs

2. Walking On Raw Eggs

3. Transparent and Bouncy Egg Experiment

4. Make Your Own Egg Tempera Paint

5. Hot Eggs Decorated With Crayons

6. Three Easy Tricks For Blown Out Eggs

7. An Experiment With Egg and Soda

8. Egg Geodes

9. Naturally Decorated Marbled Eggs

10. Vegetable-Dyed Easter Eggs

What ideas will you try?

Please share any activities you do with eggs.


  1. so much eggy fun! I have always wanted to try geodes. We did the "unbreakable" egg experiment and my girls were so amazed - it was so cool to watch their reactions! :) I enjoyed the egg week!

  2. I loved all the ideas you and Tinkerlab shared this week! We have been having so much fun with eggs, and I can't wait to try some of these! :)

  3. here is a post(in greek language- but I saw it to you to see the pictures) of a traditional way to colour eggs
    If you see the 3 last pictures, you take leafs or flowers. You put them on the egg. Then you put the egg on a (thin sock) body stocking and you boil on water with colour for example red.

    If you want to be more traditional, you don't put colour but red onions' skin
