
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cardboard Box Guitar and Snap Painting

We were over Grandfather's house this past week and ended up making something again! A Cardboard Box Guitar!!! There were no plans in making just happened and Grandfather always has every kind of material at hand in his house!!  Keep reading to find out how we made a "Snap Painting" from one of our guitars! Cassie had a lot fun with both activities!

This (below) was our inspiration to make the guitar. Grandfather has a dustpan with rubber bands on it to keep it flat.  If you know my Father you would know everything in his whole house has a modification to it! I said to Cassie that it looked like a guitar and asked her if she wanted to make one.  And that is how it all began!

Of course Grandfather had an ample supply of rubber bands and a couple boxes so we were good to go!
Do you know anyone that has that many rubber bands in their house? WOW!

Here is Cassie happily putting the rubber bands on a small wooden box. You could use a tissue box too.

Here she is making the rubber bands in the other direction!

Now happily strumming the guitar! Cassie quickly figured the sound was better with the bands going in one direction.

Well, we brought home our guitars and inspiration came to me from  TinkerLab's Cardboard Box Challenge: Snap Pantings from Irresistible ideas for play based learning! Why not just slide a paper underneath the rubber bands to use for the creation of a "Splat Painting"? So a day later that is what we did! First we took our guitar and put a paper to fit in the box. Then painted the rubber bands with tempera paint.

After the rubber band is covered with paint, snap it back and the paint will "splat" on to the paper. You can continue to keep adding paint to the bands and snapping them to create your painting!  Watch because you will get "splatted" with paint too.  Cassie had little specks of paint on her face!!! I suppose you could wear goggles or sunglasses!!! We found thinner rubber bands to work better too.

Here is our finished "Snap Painting"!!!


  1. I love the snap painting. Looks like a fun idea! need to try with my daughter.

  2. This is a really fun idea and so creative and unique! I'd love to try with Pari..! :)

  3. Well, two of my kids' favorite things are rubber bands and cardboard boxes! We will have to give these a try.

  4. Nice to see how this idea for the box guitar came from something more mundane - a modified dustpan. You're and Cassie's creativity is amazing!A great idea for musical fun!

    It sounds like your dad possesses a lot of creativity and ingenuity too!

    I know my children would enjoy the snap painting, children do seem to love elastics, and as an added bonus this looks abit, hmmm..messy! :)

    Have you ever seen geo boards? They are a simple board with nails hammered in, and children can make designs by stretching elastics across the nails. I'll bet Cassie would also enjoy this. I have 2 very inexpensive ones, and it can also be handmade easily. Today, I'll take photos, and make a post tonight. Drop by and look when you get a chance.

  5. Fantastic! I wonder what else could be done with rubber bands! I'll have to explore :)

  6. This activity caught my attention too, and I love your version of it. It's especially fab that it all came together so organically.

  7. WOW Melissa what wonderful uses for all those rubber bands ... LOVE it!
    Donna :) :)

  8. What a fantastic post!!! I love your guitar - I totally forgot that we use to do that (with simple boxes, not as clever as yours) as children. And the idea to paint that way too.. Brilliant!

    Thank you so much for sharing on Kids Get Crafty! FAB FAB to see you there :-)


  9. I love this idea! So nice and exciting. Thanks for linking it up at my blog party!

  10. Hi, I'm Taced from Italy (new follower)great blog! I make a similar thing:

    Me too I have a lot of toilet paper to recycle: on my blog I have a "recycle zone" here:

    If you want visit it, bye bye Taced

  11. Creative and musical. All kids will always love this combo, eh. Love also this DIY. :)

    Cathy@embroidery digitizing
