
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Glitter Liquid Watercolor Dyed Eggs

We love dyeing eggs!  We are joining in on Tinkerlab's Creative Challenge: Eggs.  Our idea is dyeing eggs with Glitter Liquid Watercolors.  We received a fabulous set of these beauties from Discount School Supply. This has got be one of my top favorite products from them. You can check out their website here, if you want to purchase some. Keep reading to find out how we created these Gorgeous dyed eggs!
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To create Glitter Liquid Watercolor Dyed Eggs you'll need:

Hardboiled White Eggs
Eye or Medicine Droppers
muffin tin
Coffee filters or paper towels
rack to set eggs on

First, grab some Glitter Liquid Watercolors from and put some in containers or a muffin tin. A muffin is a great way to divide up the colors.

Place a couple of coffee filters inside a bowl or some paper towels to soak up the excess watercolors.  Then place the egg or eggs on top of the coffee filter and start dripping glitter watercolors over the eggs. This is truly an engaging process to watch the colors flow over the egg and mix together.

Drip as much color as you want and then place the eggs on a baking rack with paper towels underneath to dry. I love the sparkle of the eggs with the Glitter Liquid Watercolors.  Kids of all ages could easily do this process.

Have FUN!

Check out more cool egg ideas at