
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Heart Shaped Pretzels

We wanted to make pretzels the other day and they managed to become Heart shapes along with other shapes and letters. These pretzels would be perfect for a Valentine's day treat or just to say I love you. This recipe is one my daughter did in school so it is a very doable process to get your kids involved. Keep reading to find out how we made Our Heart Shaped Pretzels.
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Ingredients Needed for Pretzels:
1 Package Yeast
4 cups of flour
2 cups warm water
1 egg white
1 TBS. Sugar
1 + TBS Salt
Cookie sheets

-In a big bowl, mix together, yeast, water, sugar, and salt.
-Stir in flour.
-Knead dough on floured  table until dough is smooth. Add more flour if too sticky.
-Line cookie sheets with foil and spray with oil.
-Shape dough into Hearts or whatever shape you choose.  We did letters too.
-Brush pretzels with egg white and sprinkle with salt
****For Cinnamon Variety,  brush with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. 
-Bake in oven set at 425 F for 15 minutes or until browned.

As you can see we made some of the pretzels into letter shapes and traditional pretzel shapes.
These are really YUMMY!
(We've been nibbling on them all week for breakfast and for treats!)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Celery Printed Rose Wrapping Paper

In my last post we created Celery Printed Rose Valentines and they turned out really beautiful. The process is based on using the cut off bottom of celery to print with and create a rose shape. The natural progression was to create wrapping paper next. So that is what we did.  We used large sheets of tissue paper for printing on instead of paper. This is how they turned out:
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Here are the celery bottoms dipped in paint that we used for printing.  Check out the post here to find out how our Valentines turned out.

Here is more of our Celery Rose Printed Wrapping Paper.  We put one of the Valentines on top for a gift tag for decoration. This project is a great lesson on teaching kids about all the different ways you can use one idea.

We experimented with using larger bottoms of celery too.  I loved how they looked and tried them on wrapping paper with great results too.
Happy Printing!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Celery Printed Rose Valentines

We made printed roses from the bottom ends of celery stalks.  I think these turned out so lovely.  I've been wanting to try this for ages and finally did. Keep reading to see how we made these Celery Rose Printed Valentines.
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To Create Roses from Celery you'll need:
Bottom ends of celery stalk cut off
Dish or paper plate for paint
Red, Pink, and Green tempera paint
Pink and White Construction Paper (any color you choose!)

First cut off the bottom ends of celery stalks as straight as you can to make a good printing surface. We only had small stalks, but you could use larger stalks for bigger roses too.

Prepare your paper,  cut hearts, use folded paper to create cards, or use plain paper too.

 Get your paint ready on a paper plate or dish and smooth out to print more easily.

Then print however you like.  I like the more random look to create overlapping rose shapes.

We added other cut out hearts to frame and accent the hears.  You can also use green paint for leaf accents on the roses too.

I think we'll be doing more of these. Please share your results with this process.  

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Science Experiment: Borax Crystal Hearts

This is fun experiment with very cool results.  Our inspiration was from The Scientific Mom.  She created Borax Crystal Ornaments as part of her 12 Days of Science Series with her daughter.  Be sure to check out her blog here to find out about all the amazing excursions and experiments that she does with her daughter.  We decided to make borax crystal hearts for Valentine's day and a few snowflakes for Winter.  Keep reading to find out how we made these.
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To make Borax Crystal Hearts You'll Need:
Pipe Cleaners
20 Mule Team Borax (found in the laundry section  of the grocery store) (5-6 Tablespoons or more)
***Borax is not-edible and should be handled with care when using with children)
Water (2 Cups or so)
Jar or Glass Container
Pencil or stick

The first step in making these is to shape a pipe cleaner into a the shape you desire.  Make sure to form a hanger or add one to the shape using the pipe cleaner. Then boil about 2 cups of water (depends on how big your glass container is), let cool a little and pour into your glass container. Then, take about 6 Tablespoons of Borax and stir into the water until dissolved.  Then hang your pipe cleaner shape from a pencil. Place the pencil on top of the glass container.  Make sure it is submerged.

You can add more Borax which will create more crystals.  Let this sit over night, and the next morning  you'll have beautiful crystal shapes. ***Keep the pipe cleaner submerged over night! It was fun to experiment and check them the next morning.  Here are some of our results:

Close-up Crystals

Red Metallic Heart

Silver Pipe Cleaner Snowflake


We had a lot of fun experimenting with this idea. We tried adding food color, but the colorful pipe cleaners really brought out the color too.  Have fun with this experiment and let me know your results!