
Monday, April 22, 2013

How to Make a Simple Pop Up

This past weekend we made pop ups.  We had received a pop up card and C was intrigued how the card was made so I decided to show her how to make a simple pop up. As an Elementary Art Teacher my students would always love making any type of pop up art. Keep reading to find out how to make a simple pop up.
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9x12 construction paper
Construction paper scraps

First fold the construction paper in half like this, but keep it folded.

On the fold, create two cuts that are about an inch apart.  You can create more cuts if you want more pop up elements.

Open up the folded paper and reverse fold the part you cut like this.

This is what the pop out part looks like from the side.

Lastly, cut out the shapes or objects that you want to pop out. If you want to add a second piece of paper to the back so there is no holes or if you want it to be a greeting card.

In our finished pop up, C connected two papers together and the caterpillar was popped out with two pop out pieces.


If you love making pop ups, you'll love this book:

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Our New Spirograph Set!

So last week I ordered Spirograph (yes they finally have the original for sale!). We received it a couple days ago and have been having  a lot of fun with it. It is a little tricky for a 6 year old (it is labeled ages 8 and up), but I think it will be a little easier to use as time goes by. The set comes in a nice carrying case with paper and all you need to begin making "spirograph art". Instead of using pins. they put "sticky tack" in the set and I'm not sure if I like that addition, but it does make it a lot more user friendly for kids. Over all we are very happy with the set and we bought it at It is definitely a blast from the past and brings back many childhood memories for me....
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Here are some of C's first spirograph drawings.  I'm sure that there will be more to come.

Did you have a Spirograph when you were a child?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Chalking on Rocks

We've been away for Spring Break and did quite a bit of chalking thanks to my sister who had an ample supply of it at her house.  We exhausted "chalking" on the driveway and sidewalks, so we decided to create some art on the rocks in her garden.  C thought this was a great idea and I just wanted to share this fun activity that you may want to try. The great thing is that the chalk will wash away as compared to painting on rocks.
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